インバウンド 桂離宮 katsura Inperial Villa
インバウンド 桂離宮 桂離宮の歴史 Hirtory of Katsura Inperial Villa

Katsura Imperial Palace was built over a time of about 50 years from around 1615 by The First Prince Tomohito and The Second Prince Tomotada of the Hachijo Imperial Family, the younger brother of Emperor Goyosei. Assistance from the Tokugawa shogunate was also provided. It is thought to be a part of the ko-bu combination seen in the marriage of Kazuko Toufukumonin and the Visit Nijo castle by Emperor Gomizuno. The construction was carried out on the wish of Emperor Gomizuno, and the maintenance of the garden also proceeded.
インバウンド 桂離宮 桂離宮の概要 General Information of Katsura Inperial Villa

The total area of Katsura Imperial Palace is about 20,000 tsubo (70,000 square meters). It is composed of a space-based garden with lanterns and water bowls and a Sukiya-style pure Japanese-style building, with a pond in the center, a bridge to Nakajima, and a boat landing in a shoin and tea room. The changes in the pond that you feel while walking, the skillful combination of cut and natural stones, the refined aesthetics of Irie, The State Beach and Tsukiyama, and the beauty of nature throughout the four seasons are world-renowned. German architect Bruno Taut praised it as a global miracle of Japanese construction.
インバウンド 桂離宮 茶室 Chashitsu Katsura Inperial Villa

Shokintei is the most prestigioin thatched tea house in Katsura Imperial Palace. The inside of the entrance is a full-fledged tea room with a three-tatami mat table, and it is an eight-window enclosure that is a favorite of Kobori Ensyu. Syoukatei is a tea house in the highest position in the garden. Syouitei is a country tea house. Geppa-tei is an open tea room located at the height of the pond near the old shoin temple.
インバウンド 桂離宮 書院 Syoin Katsura Inperial Villa

Katsura Imperial Palace’s shoin is lined up between the Old Shoin, Chu shoin, and musical instruments, along with the New Palace and the Wild Goose. Katsura-shelf is called the three shelves of the world along with kasumi- shelf of Shugakuin Imperial Palace and Daigo shelf of Sanhoin
現在の記事: インバウンド 桂離宮 katsura Inperial Villa