Zen & Mind of Buddha 禅と仏心
Why should we work 何のために働くの?

Keeping your heart clean and open, you will approach the Mind of Budda. All the things surrounding you in your daily life could become paths to finding your heart. Your work is the best place to think about the way to live as a human being and to practice it.
Mind of Buddha 仏心

You should undertake your work to find the mind of Budda which exists in yourself. You shoul have the sense that you were given your life to carry out the work. You should continue to carry out the work you are faced with, wholeheartedly and with determination. From beginning to end, Zen practice is to concentrate on the matter before your eyes. As a result, you will see the mind of Buddha.
The truth 真実

As a result of striving to master the way, you will get close to the truth. If you are close to the truth, you do not have to care what people think of you. All you have to do is to expose your nature as it is. To devote yourself is to show single-mindedly a passionate attitude.
その道を究めるという修行の結果、真実に近づくことができるのです。 そうした真実に近づくことで、他人の評価を気にする必要はなくなります。ありのままの姿をさらけ出せば良いのです。精進するということは、ひたすら自己を燃焼させる姿勢のことです。
The true way of yourself 人の本当の道

You should do immediately what you think is right with all your power. That becomes the true way of yourself. The way will become more polished as you train yourself. Your future exsists at this very moment. Life is a series of these memories which you are content with and you strive for.
- Concentrating on here and now 今、ここに集中しましょう
- You are the Greatest 唯我独尊
- 禅と日本人の精神 Zen and Japanese sprit
- 自力本願の宗教、禅 Zen Self-motivated Religion
- 禅とは何か? What is Zen?
現在の記事: Zen & Mind of Buddha 禅と仏心