The type of Buddhist Statues 仏像の種類
There are four types of Buddhist Statues 4種類の仏像

When you are sight-seeing in Kyoto, you will see many Buddhist statues. These religious statues are also works of art and some of them have received National Treasure or Important Cultural Asset designation.
Nyorai(Buddha) 如来(仏)

Nyorai is the most famous, and is mainly modeled after Buddha. Nyorai is the highest enlightened beings. Nyorai is the main objective of worship. Nyorai is wearing monk robe without having personal ornaments. Buddha`s hand posture of enlightenment has a symbolic meaning.
(Historical Buddha, Buddha of Paradise, Buddha of Healing or Medical, Cosmic or Solar Buddha)
Bodhisattva 菩薩

Bodhisattva is a trainee who seeks to be enlightened. Bodhisattva is Compassionate beings who seek enlightened. Bodhisattva is attendant to help Buddha and save people. Bodhisattva is modeled the image of the historical Buddha when he was still a prince before entering the priesthood. Bodhisattva is wearing cloth covering the lower body with having personal ornaments. Bodhisattva is riding on a lotus flower.
(Bodhisattva of the Future, Goddess of Mercy, Bodhisattva of Buddhist Wisdom, Bodhisattva of Buddhist Practice, Bodhisattva for Children and Road Protection )
Myo-o 明王

Myo-o is the one with the angry face and fire. Myo-o is the representation of Buddha`s wrath which is merely a way to guide obstinate beings to Buddhist truth.Myo-o have very fierce and severe facial expressions. Myo-o is having weapons such as sword and bow and arrow. Myo-o is wearing a simple gown like a Bodhisattva. (The king of Wisdom)
明王は怒った顔で炎を背負っています。教化し難い人々を説き伏せ救済しようとするため怒りの形相で現れた如来の分身です。怒り狂った厳しい表情をし、刀や弓や矢を手に持っています。菩薩と同様に簡素な布を身にまとっています。 (不動明王)
Ten 天

Ten is the guardian of Buddhism and protects the Nyorai and Bodhisattva. Ten is Heavenly Kings or beings who live in heaven. Ten is guardian of the law and world and believes. Ten shows a variety of human-like appearance such as nobleman figures and ferocious warlike figures and half human with a beast or bird head.
(Four Heavenly Kings, Ten of the North and of Treasure, Ten of Indian origins)
現在の記事: The type of Buddhist Statues 仏像の種類