Concentrating on here and now 今、ここに集中しましょう
To live is to be satisfied in the moment 生きるとはその瞬間の充実

People who are attached to the past and who anticipate in future are said not to be alive. To live is to be satisfied in the moment. Meaningful life is not one influenced by the future and the past, in other words, the life where you are not influenced by another person.
A series of dots comprises a line 線は点の連続

A series of dots comprises a line. If this moment, as a dot, is not satisfied, the life, as a line, is not able to be satisfied. If you hope to be happy someday. you will never be happy. Only the person who feels happy here and now can continue to live with happiness.
Your life is the place you should train everyday 人生は修行の連続

you should practice what you think is right concentrating on here and now. The important thing is to let yourself bloom at the place where you are at now. All things are changing from one hour to the next. Do not look to the past or worry about the future. Your life is the place you should train everyday.
When you feel pain, agony or sadness 辛い時&苦しい時&悲しい時

The agony you have now is born in your mind. People have, inside themselves, the ability to resolve their troubles. Like all matters which have both negative and positive sides, there are both sides in the heart of people. It is up to the individual to select the sides, positive or negative to light up. If you change your view point, the two sides could be reversed. When you are troubled, you should face it with all your might. The relax your heart and change your position a little. The way things are, will be changed if you let your heart be free.
- You are the Greatest 唯我独尊
- Zen & Mind of Buddha 禅と仏心
- 禅と日本人の精神 Zen and Japanese sprit
- 自力本願の宗教、禅 Zen Self-motivated Religion
- 禅とは何か? What is Zen?
現在の記事: Concentrating on here and now 今、ここに集中しましょう