禅とは何か? What is Zen?
The mind of Buddha 仏心

You may have an impression that Zen is a way to achieve a deep silence of the mind. In other word, you might think Zen preaches a way to escape from your daily life. Zen is not so much a way to feel at peace but a way to reach the mind of Buddha. The mind of Buddha or Enlightenment is something which everybody has, that exists deep within one`s mind.
The aim of Zen practice 禅修行の目的

The aim of Zen practice is to find this Buddhist nature within ones self, through zazen and practice of Buddha
`s teachings. The more you know, the more you recognize, all that you thought was important, is in reality, trivial. As your viewpoint or mindset changes, then your way of living changes.
What is Zen? 禅とは何か?

Zen is to know the frame of mind. It is the mettle to take a look at oneself and come to grips with reality. It is Zen that cultivates the mettle. Zen`s essence both reveals the way you are and polishes your mind throughout daily life.
- Concentrating on here and now 今、ここに集中しましょう
- You are the Greatest 唯我独尊
- Zen & Mind of Buddha 禅と仏心
- 禅と日本人の精神 Zen and Japanese sprit
- 自力本願の宗教、禅 Zen Self-motivated Religion
現在の記事: 禅とは何か? What is Zen?